Tonight We’re Gonna Rock You Tonight!

Get your pants on, then rip ‘em off and run through the streets screaming “It’s Dirtbag Paradise Night, the happiest every other Saturday night on!”

Tonight a band will be the 4th band inducted into the Dirtbag Paradise Hall of Fame. Who will it be? Tune in and find out!

What else, what else? Have you heard we’re putting on a Music Video Showcase with MakerPark Radio? It’s true, and you can read all about that here!

In other news, we took in a flick called “The Invisible Fight” last Friday. It’s an Estonian movie about heavy metal, Kung Fu and Russian Orthodox Monks that takes place in the Soviet Union. After reading that description do you need us to say Dirtbag Paradise says check it out?

That’s it for now, see you tonight, or see you some other time!


March, the Maddest Month


MakerPark Radio Music Video Showcase